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How to get mod on Kill.Zone Forum.

Speedy | Published on the tue Oct 17, 2023 3:51 pm | 133 Views

In order to be able to apply for mod,you need to be above 19 years old and also have a good amount of knowladge on how to use it and when to use it.We dont need people who want to abuse of it,we search someone who can keep the forum clean and updated.

How to use it ?

Each mod has a level of accesibility in forum administration.Only owner of the forum has access of full permision of modifyng it.For being able to recive mod on the forum you need to register as a member in order to be available for the spot,Guests cant be added as mods.Now back to admins and other mods members.In order to access the administration pannel,once you are added as mod on the forum,a button called "Administration Pannel" will be showed down below the forum so you can access the forum pannel.Inside you will find categories of what you can edit/add ban or unban members.

What should i know?

- You will need to know how to write in english proprely in order to edit or post as one.

- You will recive a badge that will represent you and how you become a mod.

- You will have reputation system like any member on the forum,but yours will count as feedback and activity rewards.

- No racism or insigation to toxicity or verbal harassment on forum.

- Any moderator can deny your request as mod if your application is weird/suspicious.

We want to make a nice comunity with mods that can respect the rules and keep everything clean and in order,but also you should know that getting mod you will need to have some hours spent on the forum,and gaining some bagdes.How to win a badge?Its easy ! ! ! All you have to do is Posting/Helping/Like/Share/Comment , the forum give badges to special activities such as : Posting topics more then 50 to get badge.There are plenty actions,all you need is to gather 10 000 points to be clean as member and be able to apply as mod.


You can also find moderators and owner of forum into discord channel that is posted on forum right side widget.There you can find out more news and updates to the forum and also chat with different type of people about different type of things.

How to become "Sponsor".

In order to become sponsor you have to support the forum by donating 80$ minimum.

What sponsor mod had access to ? - Sponsor mod has 85% of owner permisions witch means he can do almost what owner can.It also recive a premium badge and title.Sponsor being above "Moderators/Admins" level , that being said an sponsor can be a second owner ! But also a sponsor need to respect the rules like others.A sponsor can be suspended if anything suspect has been found.

Any sponsor has the right to apply his ideea/tutorial/promoting or do events on the forum without owner permision.As much as there is no rule broken.


For more informations related to this subject contact : Speedy via private message or directly on discord.

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